600 kg


Tracked motor minidumper

With the 60 series it is possible to safely transport 600kg. Incredibly sturdy, beautiful to look at and, above all, extremely reliable: it turns the world of minidumpers upside down with its style. It has been on the market for several years, and was the first to have a distinctive and pretty line, so much so that it came close to cars in its refined design. The shape of this crawler carrier is only one of its peculiarities; in fact, under the surface it hides a compact frame that is highly resistant to the toughest work, a well-designed undercarriage to channel mud and soil materials to the outside of the machine, the lift-up body, and a compactness of the machine that allows it to pass through the doors of the house.

High-Dump Liftable Body (Hi Tip)

Il minidumper della serie 60 viene prodotto anche in versione hi-tip, ovvero la macchina viene equipaggiata con un cassone che presenta uno speciale meccanismo che permette il sollevamento in verticale dello stesso al fine di poter scaricare il contenuto in un cassone sopraelevato come quello di un camion.

Oscillating rollers

Another peculiarity of the Cormidi hydraulic minidumper is without a doubt the fact that it is equipped from the beginning and as standard with oscillating rollers, which allow it to go through the narrowest terrain with minimal effort, greatly reducing overhangs.

Scegli la versione più adatta alle tue esigenze





  • RI (DE-BE)

Caratteristiche tecniche


Benzina Honda Gx 270 9 hp
Diesel Yanmar LA 70 7.5 hp
Elettrico Batterie al litio


Tipo idrostatica
Pompa idraulica n. 3 a ingranaggi

Sottocarro cingolato

Larghezza cingoli 180 mm

Impianto idraulico

Pompa idraulica n. 3 a ingranaggi
Flusso Standard 1×16 l/min
Pressione massima 170 bar

Prestazioni e dimensioni

Velocità   approx 0-3.6 km/h
  C60 (Benzina) BE 463 kg
  C60 (Benzina) BHE 552 kg
  C60 (Benzina) ACBE 506 kg
  C60 (Benzina) ACBHE 628 kg
  C60 (Diesel) DE 476 kg
  C60 (Diesel) DHE 567 kg
  C60 (Diesel) DEAC 520 kg
  C60 (Diesel) ACDHE 638 kg
Capacità operativa   600 kg
Capacità del cassone   0,25
Freno di stazionamento   SI