Aerial platform regulations: key safety and regulation

February 19, 2024
Lara Bove

In the field of high-altitude work, aerial platforms represent an essential solution for ensuring efficiency and safety. However, their use requires a deep understanding of current regulations, not just to ensure legal compliance but also to protect the health of operators.

This article aims to explore in detail the functions and regulations of aerial platforms, their importance in their use, and the key points of current legislation.

Main functions of aerial platforms and usage contexts

Aerial platforms, also known as Elevated Work Platforms (EWPs), are designed to position operators at various heights, facilitating tasks such as bridge maintenance, facade work, installing advertising signs, pruning tall trees, and much more.

Their versatility makes them indispensable in sectors like construction, urban maintenance, and agriculture. There are various types of aerial platforms, including articulated, scissor, telescopic, and vertical lifts, each suitable for specific operational needs.

The Importance of Regulatory Knowledge

Regulations on aerial platforms, such as EN 280 in Europe, establish rigorous standards to ensure operator safety. These standards include aspects like:

  1. Maximum load capacity,
  2. Safety measures in case of mechanical failures,
  3. Emergency procedures.

Operator training is another critical aspect: regulations require that all users of the platforms be adequately trained and certified, understanding not just the machine’s operation but also safe working techniques at height.

Key Information on Regulations

Current regulations mandate that aerial platforms undergo regular inspections and periodic maintenance. This includes daily pre-use checks and comprehensive annual inspections performed by qualified personnel. It’s important that each platform has an updated maintenance booklet and a log of checks. Moreover, adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines regarding the correct use of the platform, including height and weight limitations, is essential.

Ensuring Your Aerial Platform Complies with Regulations

To ensure compliance with current regulations in owning and using aerial platforms, there are several steps that the owner or manager must follow. Here’s an overview of these essential actions:

  1. Training and Certification of Operators: Ensure that all operators are properly trained and certified for the use of aerial platforms. This includes understanding operational procedures, safety measures, and correct use of equipment. Regulations often require specific training courses and passing an examination to obtain certification.
  2. Regular Maintenance: Perform regular maintenance according to the manufacturer’s instructions and current regulations. This includes daily pre-use checks, periodic maintenance, and comprehensive technical inspections by qualified personnel.
  3. Updated and Complete Documentation: Maintain complete and up-to-date documentation for each aerial platform. This includes the maintenance booklet, the log of checks performed, and compliance certifications. Documentation should be easily accessible and regularly updated.
  4. Compliance with Manufacturer Specifications: Use the aerial platform adhering to the technical specifications provided by the manufacturer, including weight and height limitations.
  5. Adherence to Local Regulations: Each country or region may have specific regulations governing the use of aerial platforms. It’s important to be updated and comply with local laws, which may include workplace safety, injury prevention, and liability.
  6. Emergency Procedures: Ensure that all emergency procedures are clear and known to operators. This includes training on how to react in case of malfunctions or accidents.
  7. Safety Inspections: Subject aerial platforms to safety inspections by qualified entities or professionals. This helps identify any problems before they can cause accidents or injuries.
  8. Adequate Insurance: Have insurance that covers both the aerial platform and the operators in case of accidents or damage to third parties.

By following these steps, owners and managers of aerial platforms can ensure not only compliance with current regulations but also safety and efficiency in their use.


Thoroughly understanding the regulations of aerial platforms is a key aspect to ensure safe and compliant operations. The Cormidi Team is at your complete disposal to offer consultations on the regulations and ensure that your use of aerial platforms is always in line with the latest legal provisions.

Contact us for any questions or to receive professional support in the field of aerial platforms.